How to review Tequila and Mezcal

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Tips for reviewing Tequila and Mezcal on

We've created a printout for our members that will help to review Mexican spirits (Tequila, Mezcal, Sotol) that goes along with the reviewing process on Feel free to download the form and use it for your tastings. Afterwards, you can return to and enter your review online.

Link -> - Tequila / Mezcal / Sotol Tasting and Review Form -

How it works:
1. Register if you haven't done so already, and Login
2. Click on the Products --> Tequila Reviews link in the menu
3. Find the bottle you want to review by searching, and click on the photo or name
4. Click on Add new review to get started with your review

Our reviews are based on the following categories:

  • Aroma-Nose (10%)
  • Initial Taste (20%)
  • Body (20%)
  • Finish (20%)
  • Smoothness (20%)
  • Price (5%)
  • Presentation (5%)

The review is weighted, and the percentage next to the category is how much it counts for on the total review. Everyone will interpret the categories differently, but this is just a guide to help when using our Tequila Review system.

The smell of the spirit (try to use a Reidel Tequila glass or snifter for full effect)

Initial Taste
First palate experience

Overall mouthfeel experience

Experience after swallowing

Effort and enjoyability

The quality of the spirit based on price, so if it the best spirit you have ever had but costs a little more than most, you should still rate it high

Appearance of the spirit, bottle, label, packaging

Most importantly, have fun. There are no real rules to recording a review. Write the first thing that comes to your mind when smelling and tasting. This will make for colorful and entertaining reviews. As a standard for everyone reviewing spirits on, we use the following grading guidelines:

90-100 = Outstanding
80-90 = Good, above average
70-80 = Average
60-70 = Below Average
50-60 = Poor

There are a few examples and terms to help you get started on Tasting-Review Form, so good luck and use the "Contact" page if you have any other questions.